About us


The NGO was founded
in 2001 by ...

Inter-African Network for Women, Media, Gender and Development (FAMEDEV) is a women’s rights organization headquartered in Dakar, Senegal.

The NGO was founded in 2001 by women and men involved in media, communication, education and information. The founding members of FAMEDEV are predominantly women and its executive board is predominantly composed of women journalists and communicators.

FAMEDEV works with women’s media networks, media associations, journalists’ unions, other women’s NGOs, media companies and individuals.

Our targets are networks of women in the media, women journalists, communicators, and women leaders engaged in the media such as owners of press organs or senior officials.

FAMEDEV is also interested in women members of media regulatory bodies, women members of Journalists’ Unions, individual journalists, young women and girls who are victims of all kinds of violence such as domestic violence, harmful cultural practices such as genital mutilation, forced and early marriages affecting the health and rights of women and finally, women facing the scourge of HIV/AIDS because we are increasingly seeing the feminization of the pandemic.

Male journalists also benefit from some of FAMEDEV’s activities such as training, especially those relating to gender and human rights and those on HIV/AIDS.

FAMEDEV is a member of the following networks:

– Solidarity for African Women’s Rights (SOAWR) based in Nairobi;

– African Women’s Network for Communication and Development (FEMNET); based in Nairobi

– Global Media Forum Development (GMFD). Based in Belgium.




AMEDEV’s MISSION is to bring about substantial change in Africa by using the media and supporting the advancement of African women in the media, to contribute to the establishment of a functional networking system for the advancement of African women in the media, and to assist in the strengthening of the skills and capacities of African women in the media through training, networking, activism and fundraising.


Our NGO is dedicated to improving the lives of marginalized communities through sustainable and community-driven initiatives. We strive to empower individuals and communities by providing access to education, healthcare, and basic necessities. We believe in fostering self-sufficiency, promoting gender equality, and preserving the environment.

What we've
done so far


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The Executive Board is composed of:

• 1 President

• 2 Vice-presidents

• 1 Executive Director

• 1 Treasurer

• 2 auditors

For good governance and transparency in the management of financial resources, control is entrusted to two external auditors who are appointed by the Board of Directors.

The daily work of FAMEDEV is carried out by the Executive Secretariat whose headquarters is based in Dakar.